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TVC Concepts

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by DN_G+

007 Themed Concepts

007 Iconic Collage

Create strong association between the 007 IP and TCL TV with a collage sequence of high artistic sense that resembles classic 007 cinematic openings. 



  • 亮点:IP强结合、艺术化、风格突出、记忆深刻。

Best In The Show

007 and Bond Girl fight 2 bad guys in a choreographic manner after their romance is interrupted, in front of the TCL TV, which is the center piece in the room and playing a sequence of EU countries.



  • 亮点:品牌/产品烙印、风格突出、IP强人物、内容讨喜。

Fallout Themed Concepts

Escape To Another World

A family in post-apocalypse Europe finds TCL's large screen TV as immersive gateway to their new reality of the Fallout world, with explosions, vertibirds, and voice controls to show off TCL TV's superior audio, visual, and functional features. “Upgrade Your Reality” “TCL: Window To Another World”



  • 亮点:沉浸式IP结合,IP元素展示产品性能,IP粉丝喜爱。

Inspire Greatness

Two groups are ready to fight each other in the desolate Fallout world, only to be mesmorized, moved to tears and called to peace by showings on an ancient tech "TCL TV" after accidentlly stepping on the remote.



  • 亮点:小品化,贴合IP背景和欧洲社会现状,主旨升华贴合品牌branding,IP粉丝喜爱。


The dad of "Lucy" prevents the youths from going out of their Vault saying that it is too dangerous outside, but suprisingly finds Lucy captivated by the showings on an ancient tech "TCL TV".


Fallout世界中Vault 33的区长以外面太危险为理由阻止一群年轻人离开Vault玩乐,却发现他的女儿Lucy不在群体中,而是在被她从古物堆中翻出修好的TCL电视展现的核战前世界之美好深深打动,并被之启发而决定离开Vault去将美好的世界重建。

  • 亮点:故事化,贴合IP背景和欧洲社会现状,主旨升华贴合品牌branding,IP粉丝喜爱。


  • Compelling narrative befits product and captures the audience.

  • Engaging sound, visuals, and characters captivate the audience.

  • Content highlights exceptional features of TCL TV.

  • One-of-a-kind creativity with extensive PR & marketing potential.

  • All concepts are effective with or without IP licensing.

Friends Having Fun_edited_edited.jpg

Target Market

Region:  UK, FR, DE, ES, PL, IT

Demographic:  20-40yo pursuing quality of life

Period:  April~July 2025​​

Cheering Sports Themed TVC Concepts

Let's Go!!!

Switch into different sports scoring with booming"let's go!!!" when the ball changes from soccer, to bassball, to volleyball, to basketball as it gets passed in the air across different fields between players, ending with scoring of whichever sport the target market loves, meanwhile after each sport's scoring shows someone using TCL TV shouting "Let's Go!!!" in their language as they celebrate the scoring. 


通过飞跃空中和场地的球的得分和传接在不同类运动间转换,并剪接使用TCL TV的画面,伴有对应语言的"Let's Go!!!"的叫喊,由充满动感力的视觉和听觉使观众多巴胺激升,从而在各自喜爱的运动得分和有良效的TCL TV间形成正面联结的心理效果,并经多样运动的出现使广告适应全球市场。

  • 亮点:感染力强、目标人群广、正面心理效果。

Story Board

Empower Life

A soccer loving kid grows up on a street by watching soccer on TCL TV of the local restaurant => practice soccer => watching soccer on TCL TV when getting ice cream at the local shop => practice soccer => watching soccer on TCL TV when having food at the school canteen => practice soccer => dozing off when watching soccer on TCL TV at home => ending with whole street watching him score in a soccer match on TCL TV. The kid grows up bigger in each scene.


​热爱足球的男孩在街坊的关爱中长大:看餐厅TCL TV上的球赛 => 练习足球 => 在小卖铺吃冰淇淋也看TCL TV上球赛 => 练习足球 => 在学校食堂里吃饭也看TCL TV上球赛 => 练习足球 => 在家边看TCL TV上球赛边睡着 => 全街坊聚集一堂并为TCL TV上在球赛得分的他欢呼。

  • 亮点:强激励感、贴近观众、正面心理效果

Story Board

Family Sports Themed TVC Concepts

There With You

Bigger brother says to his sad little brother "I'm always there with you, just like TCL" and leaves home to play in soccer tournament. Little brother watches bigger brother's matches on TCL TV to practice after him, and gets motivated by his bigger brother doing a signature move after scoring in a match. Ends with bigger brother coming home to watch his little brother winning a soccer match on TCL TV with parents.


哥哥离家去参加足球联赛时告诉小弟“就像TCL,我一直与你同在”。小弟在TCL TV观看哥哥的比赛并学习技巧,并在懈怠时看到哥哥进球并对着电视前的他做兄弟间熟悉的鼓励动作,让他受到激励而努力练习。最后哥哥休假回家与父母看TCL TV上小弟赢得足球比赛。

  • 亮点:引人入胜故事化、强激励感、贴近观众。

Story Board

There With Us

Brother and sister fight over watching soccer match or pop dance group on TCL TV, but always end up watching both programs together and help each other practice dance moves and soccer skills, as their parents are away busy doing work and their family has to move around the world. Each time they move and the season changes, they occur to have grown bigger, as if TCL accompanies their growth. Ends with both of them scoring at soccer matches and do the same dance move to celebrate, as their family also celebrate with that dance move at home watching them on TCL TV.


​因父母在外工作繁忙且需要到处搬家,双胞兄妹在家争吵用TCL TV看韩团舞还是足球赛,但总是一起又看团舞又看球赛并互相帮助练习舞蹈和足球技术。每次搬家、季节变换兄妹都长大一分,好像TCL TV伴随他们长大。最后兄妹各自在球赛进球并用同样的舞蹈庆祝,而在TCL TV看到他们进球的家人也用同样舞蹈庆祝。

  • 亮点:引人入胜故事化、剧情感人、贴近观众。

Story Board
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